- Bread
- American Cheese
- Sliced Deli Turkey
- 1 Red Pepper
- Vanilla Frosting (in a tube)
- Black Gel Frosting (in a tube)
- Medium Circle Cookie Cutter
- Small Circle Cookie Cutter
- Cloud Cookie Cutter
- Use the circle cookie cutters to cut out two circles (one medium, one small) and set aside.
- Use the cloud cookie cutter to cut wavy edges along the cheese and place, with the sliced deli turkey on top of the bread. Add desired condiments and sandwich.
- Next, cut a small piece of red pepper for the waddle and a small piece of cheese for the mouth.
- Dot the bread with vanilla and black frosting to create the eyes.
- Fill a waffle cone with fruit shaped fruit snacks.
Glitter&Bubbles |